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 Unlock Infinite Composable Commerce Possibilities with Universal Commerce

Build your online business on a composable commerce architecture with Universal Commerce and best of breed packaged business capabilities (PBCs) from the MACH & Headless software ecosystem to future proof your digital commerce strategy and accelerate time to market

Why we stand out

Flexible and Scalable Commerce Solutions

Our composable commerce platform and pre-composed solution accelerators allow businesses to rapidly compose e-commerce solutions that can adapt and scale to meet their changing needs. Whether you are a B2C, DTC, B2B, Marketplace, or Omni-channel business, our software provides the flexibility and scalability you need to stay ahead in today's competitive market.

Best-in-Class Packaged Business Capabilities

With our ecosystem of MACH and headless commerce software vendors, we offer best-of-breed packaged business capabilities. This means you can leverage the expertise and capabilities of top software vendors to enhance your e-commerce solutions. From advanced analytics to seamless integrations, our software provides the tools you need to optimize your business operations.

Empower Your Digital Transformation

By utilizing our composable commerce software, you can empower your digital transformation journey. Our software enables you to build innovative and personalized customer experiences, streamline your operations, and drive growth. Stay ahead of the competition and unlock new opportunities with our cutting-edge solutions.


Check out our platform capabilities

image showing a composable commerce platform that integrates packaged business capabilities such as Search, CMS, Commerce, PIM, OMS, ERP, WMS, Marketi

Universal Commerce 

Universal Commerce includes our Universal Composer - composition platform that leverages No code, Low code and AI technologies to compose your composable commerce solution with best of  breed packaged business capabilities from the MACH software ecosystem and industry solution accelerators for B2C, DTC, B2B, Marketplace and Omni-channel commerce business models. The Universal Composer - composition platform has comprehensive capabilities for application composition with PBCs, orchestration, integration and automation and is embedded with  a No Code iPaaS (Integration-Platform-as-a-Service) that supports pre-built connectors to over 1000 third-party applications to compose and manage your online business with ease. With a user-friendly interface and powerful features, our platform provides everything you need to create a seamless and personalised shopping experience for your customers. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, our platform can scale to meet your needs and grow with your business.

Packaged Business Capabilities (PBCs)

The API software ecosystem has several packaged business capabilities (PBCs) across MACH & Headless platforms and technologies from software vendors and also the open source community.  Universal Commerce supports a wide range of pre-built connectivity to several best of breed commercial and open source PBCs across Search, Personalisation, Product Recommendation, Commerce (Product Catalog, Cart, Checkout), RFQ (Request for Quote) & CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote), Promotions, Loyalty, Payments, Shipping, PIM (Product Information Management), Customer Data Platform (CDP), OMS (Order Management System), WMS (Warehouse Management System), Marketplace seller and operator management, Marketing Automation, AI chatbots, etc. to compose your e-commerce solution. Whether you sell through multiple channels or have complex order fulfilment requirements, Universal Commerce  provides the flexibility and control you need to effectively sell and manage your orders and exceed customer expectations.

image showing packaged business capabilities such as search, content, commerce, PIM, OMS, ERP, WMS for enabling composable commerce
image showing customer experience across digital channels such as web, mobile, tablet, kiosk, social, IoT, VRAR

Customer Experience

Delivering exceptional customer experiences is essential for e-commerce success. Universal Commerce enables customer experiences across Web, Mobile, Tablet,  Kiosk, Voice, Social, IoT &  VR/AR engagement channels to empower businesses to create personalised and engaging interactions across every touchpoint. From personalised product recommendations to targeted marketing campaigns, our platform enables you to understand and connect with your customers on a deeper level. With advanced analytics and insights, you can optimize your customer journeys and drive loyalty and conversions. Enhance your brand's reputation and stand out from the competition with Universal Commerce.

Integration & Automation

Efficiently managing your e-commerce back end operations across order and inventory management and fulfilment, returns and refund processing, supply chain management, warehousing and logistics, etc. is crucial for any e-commerce business. The orchestration, integration & automation capabilities  in Universal Commerce simplifies all the  integration processes to bridge your e-commerce platform with your enterprise applications across CRM, OMS, ERP, WMS and logistics from order capture to shipment tracking. With real-time inventory management, intelligent order routing, and automated workflows, our system streamlines your operations and ensures timely delivery. 

Universal Commerce supports an embedded No Code iPaaS in Universal Composer to manage all the connectivity to external third-party applications to extend your compositions with orchestration, integration and automation capabilities.

image showing how enterprise applications like CRM, ECommerce, OMS, PIM, ERP, WMS are integrated together with an integration and automation software


Check out our pre-composed commerce solution offerings

image showing an ECommerce platform supporting a Business to Consumer business model

Business to Consumer (B2C)

Business to Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce is the dynamic engine powering the digital marketplace, where businesses sell products and services directly to consumers through online platforms. This model thrives on the immediacy and convenience it offers to shoppers, allowing them to browse, compare, and purchase with just a few clicks, anytime and anywhere. In this digital era, B2C E-Commerce has revolutionised the way we shop, bringing a world of options to our fingertips.

From personalised shopping experiences to seamless payment processes, it caters to the evolving demands of today’s consumers. As a vital component of the global economy, B2C E-Commerce not only drives consumer satisfaction but also opens up unparalleled opportunities for businesses to expand their reach and connect with their audience on a deeper level. Embracing this model means tapping into a potent source of growth, innovation, and competitive advantage.

Our composable commerce solutions enable businesses to build a flexible and scalable B2C e-commerce experience tailored to your unique needs. We offer best-of-breed packaged business capabilities from the ecosystem of MACH and headless commerce software vendors, ensuring that you have access to the latest technologies and features. Our solutions empower you to deliver exceptional customer experiences, increase sales, and streamline operations. Whether you are a small startup or a large enterprise, our Composable Commerce Solutions can help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.

Direct to Consumer (DTC)

In the evolving landscape of retail, manufacturers and brands are increasingly adopting a Direct to Consumer (DTC) E-Commerce model to forge more personal and direct relationships with their customers. This shift enables them to control the end-to-end customer experience, from discovery and purchase to delivery and support, bypassing traditional retail intermediaries. By leveraging the power of digital platforms, they can gather valuable consumer insights, tailor their marketing efforts more precisely, and ultimately drive higher margins.

Our composable commerce solution for Direct to Consumer  (DTC) is perfectly poised to support this transition. We help you connect directly with your consumers to sell your products online and the order can be fulfilled by your warehouse by shipping the orders directly to the consumer or via the distributor and dealer channel.  The order can be routed to the closet dealer to the customer who has the inventory of the products and able to ship the products to the customer.  Universal Commerce offers a flexible and seamless shopping experience that meets the high expectations of today’s digital-savvy customers. By embracing a Direct to Consumer (DTC) commerce business model with our support, you can enhance customer loyalty, gather actionable insights, and accelerate your brand's growth in the competitive digital marketplace.

image showing a manufacturer selling Direct to Customer using an Ecommerce software platform
image showing how a business can sell to another business using an ECommerce software platform

Business to Business (B2B)

n the dynamic and competitive world of manufacturing, staying ahead requires not just keeping pace with technological advancements but leveraging them to transform business operations. The shift towards Business to Business (B2B) digital commerce channels  represents a significant step forward in this journey. It's not just about automating routine sales and distribution tasks; it's about reimagining how manufacturers interact with their entire ecosystem, including distributors, stockists, dealers, and OEMs.

Our comprehensive B2B composable commerce solutions are designed to empower manufacturers, enabling them to automate complex sales cycles, streamline distribution channels, and significantly enhance communication channels.  Beyond mere automation, these solutions are tailored to improve inventory management through sophisticated tracking and analytics, ensuring that manufacturers can anticipate demand and adjust their supply chain dynamically. Moreover, the ability to offer personalized experiences to business partners stands out as a game-changer. By understanding and catering to the unique needs of each partner, manufacturers can forge deeper connections, ensuring loyalty and long-term collaboration.

The role of Universal Commerce in this transformation cannot be overstated. By facilitating real-time data sharing and seamless transactions, it acts as the backbone of a digitally transformed supply chain. This allows for instant access to critical information, enabling decision-makers to respond swiftly to market changes. The impact of this digital transformation is profound, offering manufacturers a pathway to increased operational efficiency, reduced overhead costs, and a faster time to market. 

Let us guide you through this digital transformation journey, helping you to not only optimize your supply chain but also significantly boost your competitive edge in the marketplace. With our expertise and innovative solutions, your business can achieve new levels of success and sustainability in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Marketplace (B2C & B2B)

In the rapidly evolving landscape of today’s digital marketplace, merely offering products is no longer sufficient. To truly stay ahead, it is imperative to create a shopping experience that transcends limitations, one that feels boundless and infinitely engaging. This is where Universal Commerce becomes a game-changer, revolutionizing the way businesses approach B2C and B2B Commerce Marketplaces. By embracing Universal Commerce, companies are empowered to not only diversify their product offerings but also to provide their customers with an "endless aisle" shopping experience. This innovative approach allows your business to shatter the traditional barriers of inventory and physical space constraints, enabling you to offer a broader selection of products through a seamless and integrated digital platform. Such a strategy is instrumental in meeting and exceeding the evolving expectations of today’s consumers, thereby establishing your business as a progressive and forward-thinking leader in the digital marketplace.

But the transformation doesn’t stop there. With Universal Commerce at your helm, your e-commerce marketplace strategy undergoes a profound metamorphosis. It evolves into a comprehensive, customer-centric shopping journey that far surpasses the capabilities of a conventional online store. This strategic pivot lays the groundwork for a deeper exploration into our marketplace ecosystem integration capabilities. These meticulously designed solutions facilitate the seamless integration of seller management capabilities with your newly enhanced commerce platform with cutting-edge MACH architecture and headless commerce solutions ensuring that your business is not just keeping up with the times but setting the pace for innovation and growth in the digital age.

image showing an ecommerce marketplace like Amazon where different sellers sell through the ecommerce marketplace platform
image showing an omnichannel ecommerce model where customers can buy goods online via an ecommerce platform or pick up the goods from a store or get i


In the dynamic world of retail, consumers increasingly crave a shopping journey that effortlessly bridges the gap between digital and physical realms. They expect a unified experience that offers the same level of service, product availability, and promotional offerings whether they are browsing on their mobile device, clicking through a website, engaging on social media, or walking through the doors of a brick-and-mortar store. This demand for a seamless omni-channel shopping experience requires retailers to transcend traditional boundaries and innovate beyond the conventional retail models.

Enter Universal Commerce, a revolutionary approach that empowers retailers to craft an integrated shopping ecosystem. With best of breed composable commerce software at its core, Universal Commerce enables retailers to knit together their online and in-store experiences into a coherent, customer-centric journey. This means that whether a customer is shopping online from a desktop or mobile device, or in a physical store, the experience is unified. Product information, availability, and promotions are consistent and updated in real-time, ensuring customers have access to the latest inventory across all stores and warehouses.

By leveraging the power of Universal Commerce, retailers are equipped to provide a shopping experience that is not only seamless but anticipatory. It allows for a level of personalization and accessibility previously unattainable, predicting and responding to customer preferences and behaviors across all platforms. Customers no longer face the frustration of disjointed shopping experiences; instead, they enjoy a smooth, integrated journey from the first click to the final purchase, regardless of the shopping platform of choice.

Moreover, the strategic implementation of Universal Commerce paves the way for deeper customer engagement and loyalty. It sets a new benchmark in the consumer shopping experience, where convenience, personalization, and real-time responsiveness become the norm, not the exception. Retailers who adopt this innovative approach will not only meet the evolving expectations of their customers but also stay ahead in the competitive retail landscape, forging lasting relationships with their clientele through unparalleled shopping experiences.

Subscription Plans

Flexible Plan Options


B2C & DTC Commerce

Express key features
  • Universal Commerce solution pre-composed with open source MACH PBCs for Search, Content & Commerce
  • Supports Typesense Search PBC, Strapi Content PBC, Vendure Commerce PBC
  • Includes Payment & Shipping Integrations
  • Includes CRM & ERP integrations
  • Includes Cloud Hosting: Azure, AWS or Oracle


B2C, DTC & B2B Commerce

Standard key features
  • Universal Commerce solution pre-composed with commercial or open source MACH PBCs for Search, Content and Commerce
  • Template based or Custom built UX
  • Supported Commerce PBCs: Emporix, Elasticpath, ShopifyPlus, Vendure
  • Supported Search PBCs: Algolia and Typesense
  • Supported Content PBCs:  Contentful and Strapi


B2C, DTC, B2B, Marketplace & Omni-Channel Commerce

Enterprise key features
  • Universal Commerce solution pre-composed with commercial MACH or Headless PBCs for Search, Content & Commerce
  • Custom built or MXDP based UX
  • Includes integrations to PIM and OMS
  • Commerce PBCs: Commercetools, Emporix, HCL Commerce, Elasticpath, Magento2
  • Search PBCs: Algolia, ElasticSearch, Advanced Commerc
  • Content PBCs: Contentful, Contentstack, Amplience, Acquia, Sitecore, Coremedia, Bloomreach

All Subscription Plans include

  • Payment Integrations

    We support a wide range of payment gateways including Stripe, Paypal, Cybersource, RszorPay, CCAvenue, E-NETS, AfterPay, etc.

  • Shipping Integrations

    We support a wide range of shipping provider integrations including Shippo, DHL, Fedex, ShipRocket, EasyPost, etc.

  • CRM & ERP Integrations

    We support integrations to all the leading CRM & ERP platforms such as Salesforce, SAP. Microsoft, Oracle, Sage, Netsuite, SugarCRM, HubSpot, Zoho, PipeDrive, Freshworks.

  • Cloud Hosting

    Universal Commerce supports  Public, Multi-cloud and Hybrid Cloud architectures and can be deployed on AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Redhat Openshift and Google Anthos.

  • CyberSecurity

    Universal Commerce meets all the security standards for cloud computing and e-commerce applications on cloud such as ASVS, ISO, CIS, PCI DSS, GDPR, NIST, etc, and also leverages the all the security features and standards compliance of the cloud provider.

  • Setup

    Universal Commerce setup costs are included for Express and Standard plans for Azure or Azure cloud.  For Enterprise versions the setup costs are part of the implementation costs.

We can compose a custom composable commerce solution for you using our Universal Composer - composition platform if the above plans don't meet your business requirements.



Universal Commerce is transforming the retail sector by seamlessly integrating online and offline shopping, offering consumers unparalleled convenience and choice. Retailers are using advanced technology to unify inventories, pricing, and promotions across all channels, enhancing customer satisfaction, boosting sales, and securing loyalty. As personalised and convenient shopping becomes essential, adopting Universal Commerce is critical for retailers to excel in today's digital marketplace.


Universal Commerce is enabling B2B and DTC commerce for manufacturers and brands with a composable commerce architecture with best of breed PBCs. This enables efficient management across online sales channels and improves customer interactions. It offers direct communication tools for DTC, enhancing loyalty and sales, while streamlining B2B processes for smoother transactions and stronger business relationships. Overall, Universal Commerce boosts operational agility and resilience, redefining commerce strategies.


Universal Commerce enables distributors to offer a cohesive B2B commerce  experience that not only meets but anticipates the evolving needs of their business customers. From real-time inventory visibility to personalized ordering platforms, Universal Commerce empowers distributors to streamline operations, enhance customer engagement, and drive growth. By leveraging advanced analytics, distributors can now predict demand more accurately, optimize their supply chain, and deliver unparalleled service. 


Telecom companies stand at the forefront of innovation, uniquely engaging a wide spectrum of customers ranging from individuals seeking personal connectivity solutions to corporate clients, dealers, and retailers looking for comprehensive digital services. In this dynamic landscape, the introduction of Universal Commerce has revolutionized the way telecom services are marketed and delivered. By offering highly personalised Business-to-Consumer (B2C) experiences, Universal Commerce meets the individual needs of consumers with tailored plans while the robust Business-to-Business (B2B) capabilities offer a seamless buying experience for corporate buyers and dealers. 

Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals

In the dynamic realms of Healthcare Pharmaceuticals industry, the fusion of Universal Commerce stands as a beacon of innovation, adeptly bridging the complex needs of both B2C and B2B commerce models. With its holistic approach, Universal Commerce transcends traditional barriers, offering a seamless, integrated platform where healthcare providers can effortlessly source pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and cutting-edge treatments, while patients gain unparalleled access to personalized care, medications, and health-related products. This synergy not only streamlines the procurement and distribution processes for businesses but also elevates the consumer experience, ensuring that the right products and services reach the right people at the right time. 

Govt & Education

In today's digital age, the convergence of technology and commerce is reshaping how Government agencies and Educational institutions engage with businesses and consumers, respectively. Universal Commerce emerges as a transformative force, uniquely positioned to streamline B2B Commerce solutions for Government entities and tailor B2C Commerce platforms for Educational institutions. By leveraging Universal Commerce, Government agencies can foster seamless, secure, and efficient transactions with business partners, enhancing operational efficiencies and driving economic growth. Meanwhile, Educational institutions can capitalise on Universal Commerce to offer personalised, accessible, and engaging shopping experiences to students and parents, from textbooks to tuition payments. Universal Commerce enables a more connected, efficient, and responsive approach to commerce that benefits all stakeholders in the Government and Education ecosystems.


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Universal Commerce Inc.

At Universal Commerce Inc, we specialize in providing composable commerce software solutions for businesses of all sizes. With our expertise in B2C, DTC, B2B, Marketplace, and Omni-channel business models, we help our clients create customized e-commerce solutions that meet their specific needs. Our composition platform is built on the composable applications architecture for enabling composable commerce allowing businesses to compose with best of breed packaged business capabilities from the ecosystem of MACH and headless commerce software vendors. We are committed to enabling our clients to enhance their online presence, streamline their operations, and drive growth in the digital marketplace. Partner with Universal Commerce and unlock the full potential of your e-commerce business today.

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Manohar Durai

Founder & CEO


Brett Ison

Chief Revenue Officer


Dennis Menendez

SVP-Global Alliances, Partnerships & Investor Relations


Rajesh Bernard

Chief Growth Officer

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